The Truther Girls' Blog

A lot of attention had recently been given to the fact that Coke and Pepsi have decreased the amounts of caramel color in their drinks to avoid having to label them with a cancer warning. But reducing the amount of caramel color won’t change the fact that sodas are carcinogenic chemical cocktails. Here is a list of what makes soda so toxic. And by the way, caramel color is found in many foods most people eat every day, such as some breads, so if you are concerned about your caramel color intake, make sure to read the label on anything you buy.

1- Hormone-disrupting BPA in the can lining. This chemical mimics the female hormone estrogen and has been shown to have a number of detrimental effects on your health including raising your risk of breast and prostate cancer. You might also wind up with a bad case of moobs…

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